I Found an Awesome Studying Tool!

If you’re like me, although flash cards do work, they’re too much of a hassle to create, keep track of, and use. Quizlet takes all of that away – the hassle, the mess, and the inconvenience! It is an entirely web-based flash card substitute! Simply upload your flash cards, or enter them in the extremely polished input pages, and you’re good to go! It will even take away cards you get right, quizzing you only on what cards you need work on. It also has symbols for foreign languages, although not ¡ or ¿ for Spanish… It even gives you percentages… and mine is shooting up towards the ideal 100%… Thanks, Quizlet!

Just in closing, I know it’s online elsewhere, like where I found it, but making Spanish symbols is somewhat simple. Turn on NumLock, hold down Alt, punch in a code, and release Alt. This will allow you to create special characters. For example, 173 is ¡,168 is ¿, and so on. I found my list here.

Oh, and if anyone’s wondering why I wasn’t at school today, I’m down with a cold. It’s enough to make it hard to hear and whatnot, I don’t want to get others sick, and I’m not feeling too great, so…

EDIT: Quizlet also allows for customization of the character sets! In the “prefs” page next to username in the upper right. Mr. Andrew there seems to have either thought of and/or coded every possible helpful thing I can thing of at the moment.

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