Possible Forum Upgrade

It’s been brought to my attention that this is better than my current forum software, phpBB. Were I to transfer, I would use one of the converters provided so that no data would be lost. Let me know what you think either via email or in the comments. It might happen today depending on when I get my homework done.

Gregori’s site can be found here. He’s hosting it on his own machine, I just set up a domain name for him against his wishes.


Apparently there’s a site that if you put specific code into a page, it will feed spam bots gibberish. I thought I’d try it. At the moment, I don’t have access to my server except through the web so I’ve crudely put the link in the forum header description. I’ll put it here too.

Fight Spam! Click Here!

Linux migration complete

Well, I officially feel 1337. I have successfully set up my site on my Ubuntu server, freeing my gaming rig from having to serve up my site. Which now is running Apache 2. If I’m not mistaken, the site is much faster. Yay, Linux! ^^

All the virtual floppy passwords were lost in the transfer, so if you want me to set your password, email me. Except for Gregori and Amadeus. I remember Gregori’s for sure and I think I remember Amadeus’ so I set those.

EDIT: …Which  doesn’t matter because virtual floppy broke in the transfer process. Oh well.


I have seen hell. It is being ignorant of Debian Linux, and trying to set up a server on it. It’s… horrible. Debian Linux is a very powerful and stable free opensource operating system. By default, it has no GUI, meaning no mouse use. Keyboard only. The user must know text commands and their syntax in order to do anything at all. Upon pressing the power button, the user is greeted to the usual booting BIOS diagnostics, then a GRUB bootloader. This is for allowing multiple operating systems to be installed and runnable on the same machine. Although having a command line allows a user to do anything right from the start, it is by no means intuitive to me, someone who has lived life with Windows.
Apache, Linux’s poster child server, is no better than Debian itself. There is, to my knowledge, no GUI for configuration. It’s all hidden away in admittedly well-documented configuration files that in my case had to be manually edited by hand.

Although I got PHP working, I could not get PHP to recognize the MySql I had installed, which happened without any work on my part on my Windows install. That means no databases. Which means no forum or wordpress.

I realize that Linux is extremely powerful and used extensively, if not totally, by such big names as Google and TiVo, it is not intuitive despite the large community of tutorials. Maybe I’m just stupid or something. Anyways, that’s my excuse for the website being down for so long.

Dual Boot Status: Successful

I got a dual boot working on my eMachine! I’m currently running Ubuntu Linux and XP! Dual boot means that when I turn on my computer, I’m able to select what operating system I want to run. So, I can pick Ubuntu or XP depending on my needs. The first time I tried to set a a dual boot with Fedora, I messed up, the bootloader didn’t recognize the existance XP, and I paniced and reformatted. This time I was prepared and read the manual. Ubuntu seems much more user-friendly than Fedora, and faster, although the basic layout is about the same as both Fedora and Windows. The equivalent of the start menu is at the top, for those who have been limited to standard Windows. However, the downside that I’ve already encountered is that installing things isn’t as easy as Windows. With Windows, installing means double-clicking a downloaded file, clicking next a few times or putting in a name or two, and waiting. On Ubuntu, I wanted to update Firefox from the 1.5 that comes packaged to the latest 2.0. I downloaded the file, which was an archive, and extracted it. In it were loads of files, which I assume were supposed to be overwriting the files in my current installation. There are tutorials, but it takes some doing nonetheless. It’s worth it for freedom from M$, however. ^^

EDIT: Gotta love Google, and its ability to index the vast and active community of people doing stuff for Ubuntu! Once they gave me a script, I just had to type in what they said. I have Firefox 2.0 now! Link: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/firefox

Concerned Over

Concerned is over!! Link (hlcomic) on the side. 🙁
Either it’s just me, or the latest WordPress is faster. Feel free to tell me I’m utterly wrong, Gregori. 😛 I installed SpamAssassin on my mailserver, so hopefully that won’t catch any ham by accident (ham=wanted mail in SA terms, opposite of SPAM <- trivia for t3h day!!) so use my gmail if need be. (eg i don't reply for a long time... unless i don't feel like replying. but if you think i didn't get it use gmail which is: asksteved[dot][nospamness]com[at]gmail[dot]com (replace dot with . and at with @ remove nospamness) <- duh btw social studies is stupid and seems to consists mostly of a ceaseless monotonous flow of guided reading homework

Starcraft mod + site problems *sigh*

Well, the modem’s on its last legs and is needing to be restarted sometimes several times a day, so rest assured that I’m trying to keep the site up, just not always successful. In other words: don’t spaz if you get a modem status page instead of my site. Argh I hate my modem now.

Games: Apparently there’s a StarCraft mod for C&C generals: zero hour! *w00t*

I don’t have the game, so I guess this post is aimed at Walter, as he’s the only one I know with the game. Link!

Blog Improved

Who knew one checkbox could cause so much trouble? Unregistered users can comment now. W00t. Email or PM me with any problems.

MySQL Faster

I’ve noticed, maybe you have too, that the SQL parts (blog,forum) are now fast again. I don’t know if it’s because I reinstalled and re-filled the MySql, or if it’s just because I forwarded 3306. I’m hoping that it’s 3306, meaning I’ll know what to check first if it gets slow again

MySQL Server Stupidity

I got home reeeally late from debate, say, 11:00PMish, and decided it was a nice night to break the MySQL server. My intention was to upgrade it and help the lag that’s been getting worse and worse. I’ve finally gotten it running again around 1:52 AM, so I’ll just leave it running. I’ll keep trying to do a backup but MySql is grumpy, but working. Argh, it crashed as I was typing this. You get the picture.