Still alive!

I’m still very happy that I’ve dropped physics. My class load is much more manageable. In Psych we have to do behavioral conditioning to improve something about ourselves, so I’ve chosen to try to reduce the amount of time I spend distracted on Reddit when I’m trying to do schoolwork. For the week before break I kept track of time spend trying to do schoolwork, and what of that time I spend browsing Reddit. This coming week I will record my time usage again, but this time whenever I focus on schoolwork for an hour or more without getting distracted on Reddit, I will give myself a 50% chance of the option to play Minecraft for 15 minutes guilt-free. Let’s hope it works.

I’ve begun to contribute to open source projects that I use. It does require knowledge of source control and communal development procedures, but it’s a great feeling to give back, even though my efforts are relatively small. Also, chmod uses X to give execute/search permissions only if someone else already has them for that file/directory.

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