
The Ubuntu packages for Wine version 0.9.56 were taking a while to reach the repositories so I could upgrade with just two apt-get calls, which is rare. I got impatient, which is not rare, and just compiled my own version.  I uninstalled the repository’s version with apt-get get, checked running wine to make sure it was uninstalled, and ran a sudo make install after ./configure and make && make depend in the source directory. Easy. The problem was that then wine refused to run, saying it could not be found. I tried running make install after su’ing (changing to root) just out of desperation. It worked! So did sudo wine. That was weird. I tried a sudo whereis wine, and found it to be in /usr/local/bin/wine instead of the /usr/bin/wine that my bash was complaining could not be found. I hopped on the IRC and thought out loud, which I guess was a pretty annoying thing to do, but whatever, it helped. I linked /usr/local/bin/wine to /usr/bin/wine, which fixed the problem. This person in the channel told me I shouldn’t do that, and said that bash just needed to restart. I removed the link, (with the logical unlink) logged off my terminals, then logged back in, and it worked! Yay! Well, now I know what to do if I ever run into something like that again. You learn something every day, huh? 🙂


  1. the hotel in chicager is the best Freaking awesome hotel in the universe! what is the command to install wine? Right now, i am in the hotel’s business room, and i am going to try to download audio-surf, because from the looks of it, people hve downloaded at lot of other junk on this one.

  2. Good to hear you’re doing well.

    For most people installing Wine would be as simple as looking at the Wine download page, adding the proper repository, apt-get update, then apt-get install wine. For you, since you’re running an Alpha at present, I would think you’ll need to compile Wine from source, which can take 15-20 minutes but doesn’t have all that much user involvement.

    The Wine download page:
    The Wine source compiling page:

    Compiling Wine from source boils down to installing the needed packages, (generally one-time thing for obvious reasons) downloading and decompressing the source code, and then running “./configure” then “make depend && make” and finally “make install” as root, which can also be “sudo make install”.

  3. ‘sup steve! haha, i just wanted to visit and see if this was some sort of “” thing, but no, it was your blog. and yeah, i couldn’t really find womewhere to write this, thus this goes here.
    😀 i hope you’re studying for that test of Bio
    and i think i’m gonna do sweet on that and
    have a nice day!

  4. Hi Annie! I’ll have to really study for that Bio test. It looks like I’ll need to learn the properties of the various traits…

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