W3C Validation and Free Energy

I’ve tweaked the blog theme a bit. Nothing really that will affect you. I added alternate text to all the images, so now the blog validates as W3C compliant, so that’s good. I also fixed the path to an icon that was broken. The HTML pages I made in WordPad way back when are horribly mangled, unsurprisingly.

For some reason, when I pointed the validator at the test page of the theme, it said it was fine. However, when I looked in the code of the test page, it had the same omissions it was nagging me about, even though I had a fresh install of the latest version of the theme. Oh well, that’s over now. I also tried to maybe save W3C a bit of bandwidth like they asked, and hosted the standards definition file on my own server. I cron’d it to update every 3 months or so, as it would typically have a 90 day expiry time, using this line:

0 0 7 */3 0 rm /var/www/wp-content/themes/aqueous-lite/xhtml1-transitional.dtd wget -P /var/www/wp-content/themes/aqueous-lite/ http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd

The remove is to get rid of the previous version so wget can get a new version. If this was not done, a copy would be saved with a “.1” or “.2” ect on the end.

I can’t seem to change the <html xmlns=”http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”> without it becoming inavalid, as it would seem that setting is fixed. Anyone with tips on how I can cache this or something, please let me know. I also removed an outdated version number from the footer. Thanks to those who pointed out I was apparently using an outdated version of WordPress!

I’d also like to draw your attention to an interesting demo. As far as I can tell, it’s a way to increase efficiency in motors by piping electromagnetic radiation that would otherwise be lost back into it. There are also claims that the laws of physics have been broken with this thing, so a healthy dose of skepticism wouldn’t hurt.


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