Adventures in VeraCrypt Bruteforcing

I wrote a script – one that facilitates bruteforcing VeraCrypt passphrases – with the intent that the user probably remembers most of the passphrase. It’s available here.

It didn’t end up working for me, outside of test cases to make sure the script itself worked, but hopefully it’ll prove useful for others. One day I realized I was in the process of forgetting my VeraCrypt FDE passphrase, even though I’d been using it for months. It was odd – as though the harder I tried to hold onto it the more damaged my recollection of it became. Even though I still think I remember it, the passphrase I remember is wrong. I used the script to check similar passphrases, but they too were wrong. Going forward, it seems wise to not rely on muscle memory, and instead repeat to oneself the actual content of one’s passphrases from time to time. Go over mnemonic devices. Fight against it slipping away.

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