
Freenet is a medium for censorship-resistant communication. It allows people to communicate by publishing and retrieving data securely and anonymously. When someone runs Freenet on their computer it is called a node. Each node connects with a limited number of other nodes. When two nodes are connected they are one another’s peers. Every node communicates with the rest of the network solely through its peers.

Each node has some amount of storage reserved for a datastore. A datastore is a shared space in which each node keeps data. Freenet can be thought of as a distributed, encrypted storage device. It allows inserting data into and fetching data from the network-wide datastore made up of all the individual nodes’ datastores.

In order to do this, Freenet must be able to determine which nodes to store data on, and later be able to find that data again. The process of finding a piece of data, or a place to store it, is called routing.

This is where math comes in. In graph theory, there is a type of network called a small-world network. A small-world network contains relatively short routes between any two nodes. This is good, because longer routes are slower and less reliable. Some types of small-world networks are especially interesting because they allow finding short routes with only locally available information. This is essential for Freenet because its nodes must perform routing with only locally available information through their limited number of peers.

Here’s the concept: all nodes have a network location, which is unrelated to geographical location. An inherent characteristic of every request sent into the network is that it has an ideal location to be routed to. Nodes route requests by giving them to their peer whose location is closest to that ideal location. In order for this to be effective, the network must have a specific characteristic: it must have a good distribution of “link lengths,” which are differences between the locations of connected nodes.

Locations can be thought of as wrapped around a circle: 0 at one point, approaching 1 as it goes around, then wrapping back to 0. 0.3 is 0.2 away from 0.5, and 0.1 is 0.2 away from 0.9. This distance between peers’ locations is called the connection’s link length. On average, nodes must have many connections with shorter link lengths, and a few connections with longer link lengths. One can think of this as being able to quickly make large leaps on the location circle and also make small adjustments.

Depending on the network security level, a node can run in “opennet” mode. It will connect with nodes run by untrusted people the node’s operator does not know, called strangers. This is in contrast to the preferred mode of operation, called “darknet,” in which the node only connects to people the node operator knows in person, at least enough to be pretty sure they aren’t a secret agent or incredibly bad at securing their computer.

Okay, so this is all fine and good, but so what – what can it do? The most straightforward use is to insert a file and share the key with others so that they can retrieve it. The problem becomes how to tell other people. If all Freenet can do is act as a file storage device in which one can only retrieve files one already knows about, Freenet can’t do much.

While this is a limitation, many people have still built useful applications on top of Freenet. They tend to use a web of trust to discover files inserted by identities people create, and put together those files to present a responsive user experience locally. They assemble something like the database that would usually be on a centralized server locally from fetched files.

A bunch of plugins and external applications allow interactive communication over Freenet. There’s real-time chat, email, a cross between Twitter and a Facebook wall, and other applications which provide completely decentralized forum systems.

I collect and analyze data about Freenet to provide estimates of things like the size of the network and help better understand the network’s behaviour. Feel free to take a look! The links in the footer starting with “USK@” are links to things in Freenet and won’t work here.

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